
UMM Minutes

In attendance: Tom Thompson, Scott Shultz, Charlie Martin, Spencer Mitchell,
Brian Mitchell, Kevin Reinhout, Dean Bachman, Chris Ariss, Jack Dalton, Pastor
Scott Manning and Robert Teitler

Subjects Discussed:
1. United Methodist Men’s (UMM) Kitty or Fund

  • We have enough to cover Pontiac Warming Center (PWC) meals
  • $300 to $400 may remain after Warming Center expenses are paid,
  • Last year we spent $2,095.76 for Pontiac Warming Center meals
  • So far we have calculated that $2,609.61 has been designated for Warming
  • Center expenses

2. Other UMM Topics

  • Transporting Materials to PWC for meal preparation
  • Garden activities
  • A fundraiser for the disabled
  • Kitchen Upgrade Improvements

Warming Center Expenditures
(1) Dean Bachman mentioned that he just received an extra $100 for expenses.
(2) Pastor Manning stated that all the expenses have not been tracked.

(3) Brian Mitchell acknowledged that what we have in the kitty has to be recalculated.

(4) Dean Bachman pointed out that if financial resources are a problem, we can
always raise more money with a pancake breakfast, and a spaghetti or barbecue
(5) Pastor Scott mentioned that Larry Wecing provided a $25,000 fund to St.
Luke’s to upgrade the kitchen. And Jack Dalton stated that $50,000 could be
raised if necessary to complete the kitchen project. The United Methodist Men
(UMM) stopped discussing financial concerns after hearing these remarks from
Pastor Manning and Mr. Dalton.
Transporting Materials to PWC for Meal Preparation
(1) Charlie Martin and Jack Dalton agreed to meet at St. Luke’s Monday for
transporting materials to prepare the meals.
(2) Both men have large vehicles capable of transporting the material. Dean
Bachman reminded the UMM that St. Luke’s has a trailer that could be used for
this and other Church Missions.
Garden Work and Fund Raisers
(1) Tom Thompson mentioned that St. Luke’s had ample deposits of dirt for the
(2) Charlie Martin professed a call and prayer for God’s Grace to do more for
St. Luke’s raising money for the disabled and meal preparation. He exhorted
people to volunteer for such activities.
(3) Jack Dalton expressed a belief that St. Luke’s was doing much for a Church
its size.
(4) Spencer Mitchell, whose birthday comes this week, said that Charlie Martin
was too old to be involved with so many activities.

Kitchen Upgrade Improvements
(1) Kevin Reinhout mentioned that Menard’s has a list of contractors. We could
choose one that we know has a good reputation. Kevin added that we could have a
larger kitchen by knocking out a wall.
(2) Spencer Mitchell said that if we were to remove any kitchen wall, it had
better be the wall between the kitchen and the storage room.
(3) Kevin Reinhout mentioned that large companies like Home Depot can write
off taxes by doing work for organizations like St. Luke. Jack Dalton said that such
companies, at the very least, would give us a 10% discount.
(4) Jack Dalton advised us to first determine what Church members as a whole
want for the improved Kitchen. Next, we can hire an expert assessor to determine
the cost and necessary dimensions for the kitchen facilities.
(5) Pastor Scott Manning added that the plan, blueprints and assessment would
then be submitted to the Board of Trustees for their approval. A Kitchen
Committee should be formed to oversee the work. So far Jack Dalton and Nancy
Rice are confirmed members.

Next Meeting
Charlie decided that the UMM will meet the last Sunday of every month.

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